Truck Accident Statistics and Getting Compensated When You’ve Been Injured

Truck accidents lead to devastating injuries and death. The size of large vehicles makes them more likely to cause serious damage when they become involved in a collision.   The following statistics highlight the prevalence of truck accidents. Understanding their risks and the legal options you have available if you’ve been injured can help you…

Attorney Intervention Protects Victims After Accidents Caused by Texting While Driving

Texting while driving is a common factor in automobile collisions that result in serious injuries and death.   Using a mobile device while driving takes a driver’s attention away from the road and their surroundings.   Victims of accidents involving texting while driving can sustain devastating injuries and other damages.   A personal injury attorney…

Heavy-Truck Accidents: How to Get Compensated When You’ve Been Injured in a Collision

Heavy truck accidents can lead to devastating injuries and the death of drivers, passengers, and pedestrians.   Heavy trucks used by businesses may be carrying concrete, hazardous materials, or other cargo that increases their weight.   When drivers lose control of heavy trucks, they can’t always maneuver themselves out of harm’s way, increasing the risk…